Sooo, the Pegasus Awards!
Congratulations to all the nominees for the Pegasus Awards 2011! To all my fellow nominees, I should say, even though that feels very strange. But, you know, its true! I’m honestly chuffed to be on that ballot with you all! I’ll snag a printed copy and hang it on the wall (I did it with the 2008 one, so…). :-)
I’ve been getting emails asking for a complete recoding of the Evil Eyeball, and since I used to have it online for years and it only went away with the re-design of my website in April*, mostly because it didn’t really quite fit anywhere, I’ve put it back up for now, so that people who’ve never had the (dubious :-)) pleasure of hearing it live can make an informed choice.
So, both an mp3 recording and the lyrics can be found right here, and a) please, please really only vote if you’re a filker, since it’s a community award, and b) may whoever wins, you know, win!
-- *along with my awkward comic series about soccer world cup tickets, of all things.
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