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The Tipper Truck
An Adventure in Stones and Adjectives
Wie sieht die Welt in 1000 Jahren aus?
Your Humble Author
My Academic CV
: Life inside the Saussurean Bar.
“Everything we see, we see within ourselves. We see only ourselves, and we see ourselves only as acting, only as passing from what is determinable to what is determinate.” Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Façades III
Façades II
Façades I
Salut de Paris!
Happy Birthday, G&G!
Un fois de plus: la tour Eiffel
L’après-midi, Place de la Concorde, Paris
And then there were Eiffel towers … .
Et voilà: la tour Eiffel
La Pâtisserie Ladurée / Salut de Paris!