DC reporting in, #10: Baseball

My expericence with the US’s iconic game in one sentence:
Baseball is a game where it’s cold and wet and which takes a long time to finish – nothing much happens for most of that time, albeit sometimes there are 30 or so seconds of manic activity (in between lots of balls going where they aren’t supposed to). :-)
Or, in a slightly more verbose version:
Five of us Klugians went to see the Washington Nationals play the New York Mets at a game that was supposed to start at 7:05pm but which was delayed until 8:05pm on account of rain (which it, alas, did). It was a cold, wet, windy, and rather dreary evening, so not the best of weather for a first encounter with baseball in any case – the game itself started off quite dynamically, with a home run for the Nationals in the first inning (cue all of us newbies thinking: “Yes! This is going to be an exciting and action packed evening!”), for which the score in total was DC 2-0 NYM. After the second inning the score (in total) was DC 2-1 NYM. Alas, DC 2-1 NYM (in total) was also the score after the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eights, and ninth innings. A lot of people left at some point, but four of us persevered. (I wore my winter coat, long johns below my jeans, bought a blanket – and was still freeeeezing*). It was … a long evening. Baseball’s getting one more chance (we’re aiming for a 4pm game in late May, possibly against the Yankees, in the hope that sunnier weather and a further advanced season will improve the experience), but so far, I’m not feeling the love… .

* Thus I now own a smallish and overpriced Washington Nationals blanket that is shedding red synthetic threads like crazy. R, can I beg off of bying that pennant for my office? I feel like an overpriced blanket is enough… .
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