Under my umbrella
It’s raining in Flensburg. Today I got to talk about Shakespeare (a lot) and sonnets and Edna St. Vincent Millay and e. e. cummings and WCW and Ezra Pound and imagism and tropes and poetry and its theory and metaphors and metonymies and litotes and oxymora and hyperboles and similes (&c) and Jeff Noon and Cavalier & Clay and golems and Beloved and The Echo Maker and things the thunder said (DA) and Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell and the next term and The Color Purple and Oscar Wilde and The Reivers and reading lists and lots of other things that all slot into this somehow or are connected to it or simply came up in the course of two classes, a project meeting, office hours and general academic do-daahing. And I totally took my Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland lesson outline to my A Midsummer Night’s Dream session, but it was ok because I’d brought that outline, too (and my office is only about 50m from that particular classroom, anyway…). Alice has to wait until Thursday, though.
And then I went home and made some dinner and now I feel like I maybe just ought to go sleep, even though it isn’t 9pm yet, because it was a long day and the next two will be the same and tomorrow morning is all Hays Code and Modern Times and go go go.
Or I might watch that thing on ARTE about the US elections. Hmm. (I’ve also been explaining the Electoral College from time to time, these last weeks, but that’s kind of par for the course :-)).
And PS – ooops, sorry: WCW = William Carlos Williams.
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