6 responses to “The Transit of Venus”
Nice picture. Nice morning. Very nice company.
Extreme cool to be named similar to agent M.
(OK – Judi Dench is the actual incarnation but hey she
is the boss of several 00 agents)
Good day !
Colleague M -
Dear Colleague M,
thank you very much, and very much likewise re. the nice company! :-) I have many more photos for you here in my office to copy onto a USB stick, just drop on by.
Agent 00S
evenibylle :-D -
My first thought was: Wow, great picture!
My second thought was: How did she DO that? It was midnight in Germany when the transit started!
Then I realized it would still be going when the sun rose, especially in your latitude.-
It was indeed – sunrise was at 4:47am here, and I think it went on until after 6am local time. Also: thanks! :-)
At least I am getting to enjoy it vicariously.
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