The End of the Hiatus
So, the arm is totally less broken – not entirely as agile and muscled and whole as it was before I broke it, six weeks and two days ago, but definitely getting there (my physiotherapist says that I can expect to be back to my old strength by Christmas, so there’s quite a ways to go, mostly in regaining muscle mass and strength, as well as some flexibility – apparently you lose 50% of your muscle mass in the first week of not using a particular muscle, and elbow joints are very quick to become rigid…). I’m not really able to heft my camera, for one, so expect a mixture of unposted photos from my archives and mobile phone snapshots for the time being – but there definitely will be posts again, as there is no lack of unposted photos, and I am also allowed (and able) to type with both hands again.
Thanks for all your good wishes, and your patience during my absence!
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