Tampa, FL

I don’t have many photos from Wednesday that I can share, as I did not take my camera on the “swim with the manatees” adventure, on account of swimming with manatees involving rather a lot of water (and a snorkle, a wet suit, flippers, …). I did buy a disposable waterproof camera in the dive shop, and I took some photos with it (both of manatees, but also, I’ll admit, of myself), but that film will need to be developed, and wether the pictures turn out any good … who knows. Things I discovered about myself: I really like snorkling in clear water! And I want to learn how to take underwater photographs/get gear to do that (I’d previously really only snorkeled once [other than as a kid], and then visibility was … not good and it felt kind of claustrophobic, what with the wet suit hood and all…).
I spent the afternoon in Homosassa Springs, where there is a state park dedicated to animals native to Florida (where the above photo was taken), and mostly have a lot of shots of different animals to show for that … . Then I drove on down to Tampa, where I learned that yeah, showing up without a hotel room booked is great for flexibility, but might be not so good if there’s a baseball game in town on top of it being spring break. *sigh*
Found a place to stay eventually, and have learned my lesson in so far as I’ve booked hotels on through the weekend. After that, we’ll see. What this means is that Key West is definitely on the itiniary, and places other than Floriday out, due to a lack of time … I’ll have to do Charleston and Savannah some other time.
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