Summer rains
Late afternoon today we had what for Flensburg is a torrential summer rainstorm, thunder and lightning included, though at a distance. You could see the dark clouds start moving in at about 4.30pm, so you kind of knew what was coming, and after 5pm it really started to rain, and rained heavily for about twenty minutes or so.
I watched it from my office windows for a bit, and after I’d been to the internal mail room and passed the doors outside I could not resist popping outside for a bit to watch and listen from beneath the shelter of the building overhang. If I was still a student, I totally would have run out into it and just enjoyed getting drenched by warm summer rain, but seeing as I’m on the other side of the fence now … well, better resist temptation. Trade experiences in for respectability, or whatever. Still, it was great. Just standing there and listening to all the different sounds the rain makes as it hits the bricks or the trees or the grass or the puddles … and watching the rings intersect and overlap in the puddles.
Another moment where you wish you’d brought your camera – there was this lovely composition of reddish shrubbery, dark blue-black sky, green-brown grass, brown-black puddle and grey-beige brick road … . From now on, the camera will just live in whatever bag I take along, irrespective of my destination. That’s why I bought a reasonably light-weight camera, after all. So I could take it along pretty much everywhere, without worrying about different lenses &c.
But anyway – the sound of rain – lovely. It’s the little beautiful things you need to watch out for – the big ones will jump you even without you paying too much attention. But the little things one misses out on far too easily.
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