Some DFDF 2011 musings
The photo here shows the view from my hotel room window in Bad Salzdetfurth this weekend, a small village in the Leinebergland (Leine Uplands) in central Germany, where I spent this weekend attending and co-running the 2011 incarnation of DFDF. I had a lovely time there, and it was so good to be seeing so many lovely people again. It was definitely a weekend of good friends, good conversations and good music, and I hope everyone there had as good (or better) a time as I had, because then everyone had a fine time indeed. We also seemed to be settling into the groove of running this thing – with the first one you don’t really know what to expect, with the second one you don’t know if it’ll be like the first incarnation, but now, by number three, I think we’ve hit the groove. Steve said on Sunday that with Aquapella, the Advance Request Concert (ARC), the mix of Auction&Main Concert and the Song Sharing Hour instead of the Song Contest we’ve grown our own identity, and I agree. DFDF has a definitive shape in my head now, and I hope its a shape everyone likes. I certainly do. :-)
While I personally didn’t make it to the Childhood Heroes hour (the lot of being on concom :-)), I’m very glad that it seemed to be so well received in the format we gave it – and I am also really happy with the way the ARC has come into its own. I thought it was great to see so many people on stage performing songs they that people love or that they don’t usually perform (or both), or to see people performing with people they would not usually perform with.
Many big thanks also go to our lovely guest of honor Rika, who really rocked both her concerts most rockously, both when doing solo songs and when accompanied by her band (see photo for proof!).
And thanks also go, of course, to our techie Volker, to everyone else who performed, and simply and equally importantly to everyone else who came to the con – without you lot we’d make a sad showing, hanging out in Bad Salzdetfurth there all by our lonesomes… . And to those of you who wanted to come to DFDF but could not make it for one reason or another – we missed you! Here’s to DFDF 2012 – we hope to see you all (back) in BASA next June!
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