It was cold but sunny this morning, and so I decided to head out to Solitüde (see above for an overview shot) for a walk before I went shopping. The sand was frozen, which made for an unusual walking experience, and the marshy grass was covered with a thin coating of ice as well, above the liquid puddles below. It was also windy – not too windy, as you can tell from the lack of foamy crests on the waves, but since my eyes start tearing up pretty much as soon as there is more than even the slightest suggestion of a cold breeze it made photographing a bit of an obstacle course. Most of the time I was photographing without seeing too clearly, and I shall spare you the details of what my glasses and the (thankfully protected!) display on my camera looked like (salt water makes interesting trails when it dries).
I also need to find gloves that I can wear and still operate the camera, as that, too, became a bit of a challenge after a while. But: fresh air was had, photographs were taken, and tear ducks were cleaned. So it’s a win-win-win, really. :-)
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