Photography Challenge II
As you can see from this blog, I like taking photographs.
My usual approach ist to take the camera along and then just to wander and meander and to photograph interesting things that I come across, but from time to time I also like to go at things the other way around, with a concept in mind that I then try to picture and frame … and that is where you come in: I need concepts, ideas, motifs, requests!
I want you to tell me what to photograph!
Just reply here with what you’d like to see, and I will then do my best to fulfill your request(s)!
Give me a word, a phrase, a mood, an object, a quote, a color, a … whatever comes to mind!
These challenge phrases can range from the abstract (something like ‘sad’ or ‘the perfect moment,’ …) to a title one might give a photo (‘the loneliest cloud’), to the semi-concrete (‘something that annoys you’) or to concrete things (‘a towel’) … or to things I cannot even think of right now!
My only caveat is that if I consider something too personal, then it won’t happen (not that I think you’d ask it anyway, but just to be clear: the only, say, ‘tits’ you’d get to see are those of the avian variety).
So: Want to challenge me? Post your requests in the comments!!!
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