Orlando, FL

Yes, I went to Seaworld today. :-) I had not planned on it, really, in the way that the Kennedy Space Center is clearly slotted into place for tomorrow, but I left Florida City earlyish this morning and so was close to Orlando by the early afternoon and had these hours to while away before I was supposed to meet M at 7pm for dinner etc … and so I browsed my guidebook for things to do in Orlando, and there was Seaworld in there, right between Disney Land and some Harry Potter thing … and the lure was too great to resist. We went to Seaworld in San Diego these many years ago on a family vacation and I *loved* it. Loved loved loved it. And here was another Seaworld, about 20 minutes away from where I was supposed to be 6 hours later. I skipped all the rides but got to see the shows, and it was a lovely afternoon, even if not as magical as it was back on the other coast more than a decade ago. As you grow older you spend more time thinking about habitat size and unnatural behaviour and things like that, maybe. I certainly could not escape from these thoughts, in between “oooh, orca!”

Made it to K&M’s house on time (where I am writing this from, actually), and M & I went out to dinner and then she took me to Target, where I bought something crazy for the DFDF auction and Sharpies in 26 different colours!





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