Late, late to the party (2011)
I had turned
my face, my ears, away
from music for a long time.
Tuned myself away,
too far to hear your melodies;
your harmonies; your song.Now here/hear then these words, all I can craft in return,
obscure black pixels on glowing screens
the most imperfect reply.Still:
if answers you’re looking for, out here,
if answers should find you,
if you ever come by here,
these seven (#7) (for a secret) then are mine (never told):
I’m very sorry;
I hope you’re well.
I wish you all the best, should you find this.
And should you never find this –
well, my wishes stand,
(have stood),
just the same, in the silence.
Take care –
(‘ -, Friend.’ Robin Hood would say fondly, were [s]he allowed).
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