Into the Sky
Uh, have a mobile phone snapshot from earlier today, just so that something is happening on here again … . I kind of fell down on the updateryness, didn’t I? Ooops … . And to be honest, I don’t see it getting better for another week or so. You see, these days I am spending my days from ~8:30am to 4:30pm in the NASA archives (NASA! IKNOWRIGHT?!?!?), and then in the Library of Congress from ~5pm to anytime between 8pm and 9:30pm, depending on how long my mental faculties hold out, and so I don’t get much besides sleeping, eating, working done. It’s all good, but it means that I have accumulated a photo and things-that-are-happening backlog of rather impressive length, and don’t have the time/energy to tackle it, as I am spending it all on work. Which is good, but means the tumbleweeds are rollin’ here… .
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