So, after Facebook paid an insane amout of money for
Hipstamatic Instagram ($1 BN!) (a photo app for android and iphone), I though I’d try it* out to see what it was all about … and, yeah, I am decidedly lukewarm about it. I’ll probably get more adept at using it if I try it out more, but so far I am decidedly ‘meh’ about it. What I dislike the most is that the little ‘preview’ window it shows you before taking a picture does not, actually, correspond to the frame that the final picture will actually have. And since I really, really like to compose photos and spend quite some time thinking about angles and stuff before I shoot, that is what will ultimately keep me from using it, as the final result does in no way make up for having to take ten pictures to get even close to the composition you want. If I want to my photos to look weird and scratchy, I can just add layers in photoshop, after all … . (None of the pictures here have the composition I wanted, though the poster/earring one comes close [after about 15 attempts!], and you can’t really go wrong with a shot of a car like that. The street one is off by about 30% at least – too much road, not enough sky).
So: I am not convinced. Do you lot use it? What to you think? Any favourite settings?
(*Only I ended up testing Hipstamatic, ooops…)
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