Flensburg in the Rain

I don’t have any great news or photos to share – lots of routine work things are happening (which is fine, but does not necessarily make for exciting reading) and thus I am busy working, which means that I am also not editing photos. I am still stuck in January and on Lanzarote, and all I do is keep adding more photos and thus creating a greater backlog … Though not in the last two weeks, see: lots of work (hence no photos being taken).
I had a weekend seminar this weekend, which was pretty much that, and when I am not doing at-work-work things then I am reading and grading my way through MA and BA theses. I had, I must admit, accumulated a bit of a backlog there (conferences every other weekend for two months will do that to you), and I wanted to catch up (one more BA thesis and then I am within the alloted grading timeframe again).
So that is what I am up to … these here photos were taken earlier today, in the rain, while I was walking back from today’s lecture in our interdisciplinary lecture series (the venue is on the other side of the fjord from where I live).

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