“Do you not want, Servius, to rule yourself and to remember that you were born a man?”*

Or something. Yeah, the not-so-creative merging of Robert Frost and The Wizard of Oz, that’s done with now. Other than that, I am restless, and writing, and nostalgic. Feelings/occupations which are kind of related, but also exist independently from one another. I also am glad that spring is finally here, and we’re back on summer time (I want to keep it always). Living in the North, it really is not for me. Also, lets put those boats back in the sea! Let’s get some sailing in, before we get much older.
*Servius Sulcipius Rufus to Cicero. Epistulae ad familiars, IV, 5: M. Tulli Ciceronis Epistulae, vol 1, Oxford UP, 1982, 111-12
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