A ‘Souvenir de Porto Rico‘
So, today I’ve been doing random bits of organizatorial work, working on my theory chapter, and listening to a CD of Louis Moreau Gottschalks’ work titled “A Night in the Tropics” a lot, especially to track #2: “Souvenir de Porto Rico, Marche des Gibaros“. I first encountere LMG in the “Jazz Influence” class I took during my year abroad, and fell in love with this piece of music – and then kind of forgot about it, and the CD got left behind at my parent’s place when I moved without having been digitized, and so its been some years since I last listened to it. I found it again while going through the things I still have there, pondering what to sell on ebay, and snuck it into a box of stuff I mailed to myself. Everything else in that box will go on ebay in the next weeks, but this CD I’m keeping.
And now, while the potato that is for dinner is baking in the oven (thank you, S, for teaching me that trick!), I shall see if I cannot finish another page of writing – before I head out the door to go dancing at 10pm, at a word-of-mouth-only kind of event here in Flensburg. I’m … intrigued. And will let you know how it went!
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